Cosmic Chemistry
On 24 September 2019, around 900 visitors joined us at ETH Zürich to listen to Professor Lennox’s talk «Cosmic Chemistry – Do Science and God Mix?». A warm thank you to all who contributed in organising this event – and to all who participated in it! John Lennox said that he loved the atmosphere and the audience.
The lecture was hosted by VBG Zürich, the Christian Student Association of the ETH and University of Zürich, in partnership with CAMPUS live, Dozentenforum and Festival of Thought. To find out more about our activities, and to get into contact with Christian students in Zürich, please visit our website.
Prof. Dr. John Lennox
John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and Fellow in Mathematics and Philosophy of Science. He is an internationally renowned speaker on the interface of science, philosophy and religion.
[…] um Glaube und Wissenschaft gehört zum Kerngeschäft der VBG: Kaum ein Hörsaal-Vortrag (z.B. von John Lennox an der ETH Zürich) oder MEHRGRUND-Anlass, an dem nicht eine Frage dazu auftaucht. Der Fokus liegt dabei meist auf der […]
It was a sad day for me, when I attended the lecture of Prof. Lennox and witnessed how a creationist was ridiculing one of the most well-established theories in all of science (evolution), the work of generations of scientists, in the Auditorium Maximum, without any experts having the chance to reply to his non-sense. How could it come to this?
The way I understood it, an important point of Lennox› lecture was that the phenomenon of evolution does not compete with the existence of a divine intelligence. He illustrated this with the example of boiling water, which can be explained both scientifically or in terms of meaning (he wanted a cup of tea). As he asserts: «There are two non conflicting levels of explanation for almost everything you can encounter.» Why specifically would you say that this alternative explanation of the universe – that God created it – is not compatible with the basic idea of science?