Jesus und das Leid

Warum lässt Gott so viel Leid zu? Wie kann der liebe Gott mit dem Schrecken der Welt vereinbart werden? Im Rahmen von MEHRGRUND 2019 zeigt Heike Breitenstein auf, was Jesus mit dem Leid auf dieser Erde zu tun hat.

The lecture was hosted by VBG Zürich, the Christian Student Association of the ETH and University of Zürich, in partnership with CAMPUS live, Dozentenforum and Festival of Thought. To find out more about our activities, and to get into contact with Christian students in Zürich, please visit our website.
Prof. Dr. John Lennox

John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and Fellow in Mathematics and Philosophy of Science. He is an internationally renowned speaker on the interface of science, philosophy and religion.